Sunday, 23 February 2014

Fear of Ridicule is ridiculous.

As the title suggests, my blog for this week targets those writers who fear ridicule or criticism for what they want to write (or publish). It was this week when I had a friend, give me their reasons why they don’t write seriously despite having some, frankly, great ideas that I’d love to read personally. Their reason being that they feared ridicule for the plot; well what am I supposed to say? I have written, and am probably publishing a book that will offend and be criticised by thousands despite my good intentions to gender equality and neutralisation of religion, it’s a simple theory which I put forth, with many, more complicated ones within making up the story, but this is a quick read blog, for a deeper discussion leave a comment below.
            I would like to say to the world, particularly to anyone out there who can write, wants to, but cannot find the courage to do so; that the world you create on a page, so long as you justify everything in its context you cannot be ridiculed. That is to say, you can’t be criticised critically, of course there will be many who will make you a dart board for their opinions, as I expect and relish with my own work. I direct you, reader, to my post on fantasy writing, and the words of Terry Pratchett, one of many sources of wisdom for my work. All is fair in writing, so long as it has purpose and reason, that one is one of mine.
            I would like to, if I may, encourage writers to plan their works before writing, I remember many years ago now, meeting a Scottish amateur horror, writer, whose method it was to write with no plan; I’m all for streams of consciousness and letting your imagination guide you, but this leaves a lot of room for plot holes and means a lot of needless editing later on. For me it’s best to get emotional as you plan and detach yourself in either the second editing or final editing phase, to be kind to your editor in principle.
            For me and many who were born to write, the act is therapeutic; and act of completing one’s self, some of us were never meant to write and publish, those who do deserve saluting. It takes a lot of courage to subject yourself to the ravages of the critics and the world alike. Personally, I admire those who came before me and aspire to be as good as those who write better than me now and in the future. We all are born with a story, but not everyone has the ability to write it themselves. We have enough poets and writers, but that does not mean those who want it enough can’t find their place where there was thought to be none. It’s all uncharted waters in a continuum where nothing is original. So write, and find that missing part of yourselves on the blank page.
That will do for today. Now get to your desks, to your favourite armchair, or find a spot where you aren’t too squeezed and can have enough light to see the page and write/read good people.
Until next time, read, write, live.

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