Now for all of you out there who do not know me personally, there's just one thing you should know about me; I never let a good deed go unthanked. Today's poem is explicitly for that purpose, to congratulate this person on her patience and diligence of following and even offering advice when needed in all areas of work, and some in life. Writing poems for people isn't as easy as you see on television, unless you want to write something that you'd see in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, (recites-you eyes are green as a fresh pickled toad), definitely fun, but now is not the time for that. This month's theme is set, and some poems are written, in between obsessively scrambling the end of my novel together. Now, without further adieu I give you, my thanks:
Sonnet to thine Starri Knytes
Men have learned to read betwixt the night stars
All have gazed upon them, they never glare
The sun, how he shines, unholy centre
Of the heavenly host commands, ‘all seas,’
‘All see, Athena, Aphrodite, knights -
Of the realm, Starri Knytes will drape her hair
Over your gold ambrosia. This rare
Womanly host guides us, these are her stars.
Such golden deities are almost glass
Never asking for worship unlike gods.
Lazy tyrants- why could they not be Knytes?
So we could live under the bright night skies.
Without this host, just what would come to pass?
Nothing for gods are truly second class.
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